
ProjectGantt lets you to visualize task based Sharepoint list data as gantt chart with rich, Microsoft Project like UI.

1. Gantt Data Display

1.1 Gantt Taskbar

Tasks on our Gantt Chart is displayed in the form of Task Bars with a default color, whereas the parent task has a double-sided hook representation with a default color(black). When color by critical paths is applied, regular tasks gets the color changed based on whether they are in critical path or not. When hovering task bar, a pop-up is displayed containing name, start, finish, duration, progress.

1.2 Task Progress

Progress bars in gantt chart are represented by a black line in the middle of task bar. You can change this progress value in grid or by dragging the progress line to the right within the taskbar

1.3 Milestones

A milestone is a task with zero duration. It appears on the Gantt chart as milestone symbol(rectangular - diamond shape). Milestones are generally used to indicate important dates on the project plan, key events or goals. You can convert normal taskbar to milestone and vice versa using the taskbar context-menu.

1.4 Dependency Lines

Dependencies specify the relationships between tasks, they indicate when a task should begin or end in relation to other tasks. In gantt control, dependencies appear as lines linking two tasks or linking a task to a milestone. To create a dependency line, click and drag mouse downwards or upwards or diagonally to start drawing a line. Then drop the line on the task/milestone you want to link.

NOTE: If you drag mouse horizontally gantt will move the task bar. You must move up/downward first to start drawing dependency lines.

1.5 Resource Load View

Resource Load View shows you a overview of whole issues based on assigned users (Resource).

2. Toolbar Options







Move task one row up

  • Moves selected task row one row above.

  • If the selected row has any children, all of them will be moved along with the selected row.

Move task one row down

  • Moves selected task row one row below.

  • If the selected row has any children, all of them will be moved along with the selected row.

Indent task

  • Increases the indent level of selected task.

  • If the selected task row has any children their indent level will also be increased.

Outdent task

  • Decreases the indent level of selected task.

  • If the selected task row has any children their indent level will also be decreased.

Add new task

  • Creates new task at the end of list

Remove selected task(s)

  • Remove selected tasks

  • All children of selected tasks will also be removed

Print option

  • Specifies which parts of the Gantt to print & export PDF

  • Available options are

    • Print Current View - Prints current visible parts of the gantt

    • Print Table Only - Prints the whole gantt table

    • Print Chart Only - Prints the whole gantt chart

    • Custom prints - Shows advanced options


  • Opens print dialog to print gantt with options specified in ‘Print option'

Export to JPEG Image

  • Exports the current view of Gantt to image in JPEG format

Export to PDF Document

  • Exports gantt to PDF document with options specified in ‘Print option’

Export table to Excel Spreadsheet

  • Exports data in Gantt table to Microsoft Open Office Excel Spreadsheet (*.xlsx) format

Start Leveling At

  • Start Date for Resource Leveling

Include Partially Completed Tasks in Leveling

  • By default resource leveling will only affect tasks that is not started yet

  • Enable this option to include partially completed tasks in leveling

Level Resources

  • Level all tasks assigned for each resource

  • The gannt parses through all the tasks, determines over allocation (any thing more than 100% of a resource usage at a specific time) and then moves the tasks into the future to clear such over allocation of resources.

Scroll to Today

  • Scroll gantt chart to show today in view

Color Tasks Based On Critical Paths

  • If enabled, tasks will be colored based on critical paths

  • A project's Critical Path is defined by a list of tasks whose delay will directly or indirectly affect the project's finish date.

  • An activity could indirectly affect the project finish date because of the presence of dependencies that would in turn affect other activities move past the current project end time

Toggle Resource Load View

  • Displays Resource Gantt along with Project Gantt to visualize the load on each resource

  • This option will only be visible when its enabled in Gantt Settings & Resource List is bound

Filter By Task Name

  • Filters tasks by their name

  • Case insensitive & Matches partial words

Filter By Date

  • Filters tasks by their start and end date

  • Tasks will be shown when start date of task is equal to or greater than the start date from filter

  • And also end date of task must be less than or equal to the end date from filter

Filter by List View

  • Makes the gantt load items from selected view of the bound list

3. Context Menus

3.1 Table Row Context Menu






  • Moves selected task row one row above.

  • If the selected row has any children, all of them will be moved along with the selected row.


  • Decreases the indent level of selected task.

  • If the selected task row has any children their indent level will also be decreased.

Add New Item

  • Creates new task at the end of list

Edit Item

  • Opens ‘Edit Task’ dialog to edit the bound columns of selected row

Delete Item(s)

  • Remove selected tasks

  • All children of selected tasks will also be removed

Task Information

  • Shows information about selected task in alert dialog

3.2 Taskbar Context Menu





Convert to Milestone

  • Converts normal task into milestone

3.3 Dependency Line Context Menu






  • Deletes selected dependency line

Change To Finish To Start

  • Changes dependency type to ‘Finish to Start’

Change To Finish To Finish

  • Changes dependency type to ‘Finish To Finish’

Change To Start To Finish

  • Changes dependency type to ‘Start To Finish’

Change To Start To Start

  • Changes dependency type to ‘Start To Start’